Au Vodka Cherryade Premix 330ml
Indulge in the delightful blend of award-winning Red Cherry vodka and premium fizzy soda.
Au Vodka Cherryade Premix offers a refreshing escape with every sip, expertly combining the vibrant flavors of their acclaimed Red Cherry vodka with a fizzy, sweet soda. Perfectly carbonated and served chilled, this 330ml beverage is tailor-made for social gatherings, parties, or simply unwinding after a long day. The visually appealing cherry-red hue and effervescent charm make it a stunning choice for any occasion. Experience the luscious, fruity flavor that satisfied both cherry and vodka enthusiasts alike while enjoying the perfect balance of sweetness and fizz.
Additional information
Condition | New |
Delivery Time | 3-5 Working Days |
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