Fever Tree Classic Mojito Mixer 750ml
A refreshing blend of Mexican limes and Moroccan mint, perfect for crafting the ultimate Mojito.
Fever Tree Classic Mojito Mixer is your go-to solution for an authentic and invigorating Mojito experience. Crafted with the finest Mexican limes and aromatic Moroccan mint, this mixer delivers a zesty and refreshing taste that perfectly complements your favorite rum. Simply fill a highball glass with ice, pour in 50ml of rum, and add 125ml of this luscious mixer for a delightful cocktail. Ideal for gatherings or a quiet night at home, the Fever Tree Mojito Mixer elevates your cocktail game with ease. Garnish with a lime wedge for that perfect finishing touch.
Additional information
EAN | 5060108456210 |
Condition | New |
Delivery Time | 3-5 Working Days |
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