Plymouth Gin 70cl
Crafted with precision and care, Plymouth Gin offers a harmonious blend of earthy notes, fresh juniper, and a zesty lemon finish.
Plymouth Gin is a distinguished spirit renowned for its remarkable depth of flavor. This 70cl bottle is a testament to the craft of gin-making, featuring a balanced profile that showcases deep earthy notes complemented by a vibrant juniper and invigorating lemony bite. Each sip reveals a hint of sweetness, enhancing the extraordinary concentration and complexity of the botanicals without allowing any single ingredient to dominate. The journey culminates in a long, satisfying finish, making it an excellent choice for both sipping and cocktail mixing. Experience the unique taste of Plymouth Gin and elevate your drinking experience to the next level.
Additional information
EAN | 05000299608005 |
Condition | New |
Delivery Time | 3-5 Working Days |
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