Rutte Celery Dry Gin 70cl
Experience the unique flavor of Rutte Celery Dry Gin, a multi award-winning gin that masterfully blends botanicals for a refreshing taste.
Rutte Celery Dry Gin is a distinctive spirit that stands out in the world of gin. Created with a harmonious blend of carefully selected botanicals such as juniper berries, coriander, angelica, orange peel, cardamom, and a refreshing touch of celery, this gin delivers a complex yet balanced taste. Perfect for classic cocktails or enjoyed simply with tonic, Rutte Celery Dry Gin offers an unforgettable drinking experience. Ideal for both gin enthusiasts and newcomers alike, this 70cl bottle is not just a drink, but a celebration of flavor.
Additional information
EAN | 8710625011702 |
Condition | New |
Delivery Time | 3-5 Working Days |
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