Pimm’s No.1 Gin Cup Liqueur 1Ltr
Enjoy the refreshing taste of Pimm’s No.1, the quintessential summer drink infused with fruit extracts and herbs.
Pimm’s No.1 Gin Cup Liqueur is the original gin-based liqueur that has captured the hearts of many. With its vibrant blend of fruit extracts, quinine, and a secret herbal mixture, it not only refreshes but also aids digestion, making it the perfect companion for sunny afternoons. This 1-liter bottle of Pimm’s No.1 is ideal for mixing into the famous Pimm’s cocktail, traditionally garnished with cucumber, fresh fruit, and mint. Whether you’re hosting a garden party or enjoying a picnic, this beloved British drink promises a delightful taste experience that embodies summer.
Additional information
Condition | New |
Delivery Time | 3-5 Working Days |
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