Beluga Noble Vodka 70cl
Beluga Noble Vodka is an exquisite vodka crafted from the finest grain spirits and pure spring water.
Discover the luxury of Beluga Noble Vodka, a celebrated spirit that embodies the essence of premium Russian vodka. With its origins in the picturesque Adriatic Riviera of Montenegro, this vodka is meticulously distilled, ensuring each bottle is of the highest quality. Beluga Noble is made using only the finest grain and is blended with pure spring water, which is filtered multiple times for an unparalleled smoothness. Its subtle flavor profile is highlighted by a delicate sweetness, smooth finish, and hints of vanilla, making it the perfect companion for both sipping neat and crafting sophisticated cocktails. Elevate your drinking experience with this elegant vodka that reflects both tradition and innovation in every sip.
Additional information
EAN | 3890000781019 |
Condition | New |
Delivery Time | 3-5 Working Days |
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