Eristoff Vodka 70cl
Eristoff Vodka is a premium 100% grain vodka, expertly crafted for a pure and balanced taste.
Eristoff Vodka, crafted since 1806 in Georgia, embodies the essence of high-quality vodka distilled from the finest rye. This 70cl bottle of Eristoff Vodka is triple distilled to ensure unparalleled purity and smoothness, making it the perfect choice for any occasion. Its neutral flavor profile allows it to shine in cocktails or serve wonderfully on its own. With a legacy of excellence, Eristoff Vodka is not just a drink; it’s an experience that reflects tradition and innovation in every sip.
Additional information
EAN | 05010677804561 |
Condition | New |
Delivery Time | 3-5 Working Days |
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