Famous Grouse Whisky 1L
A premium blend of fine grain and malt whiskies, offering a harmonious balance of flavors.
Discover the exquisite taste of Famous Grouse Whisky, a meticulously crafted 1-liter bottle that combines high-quality grain and malt whiskies. Known for its light yet crisp aroma reminiscent of freshly cut flowers, this whisky enchants the senses from the very first sip. On the palate, indulge in a delightful burst of flavors, featuring hints of spice, rich caramel, and a subtle touch of smoke. The velvety smooth finish makes it an ideal choice for both sipping neat or mixing into your favorite cocktails. Elevate your drinking experience with the rich heritage and unparalleled quality of Famous Grouse.
Additional information
EAN | 5010314101015 |
Condition | New |
Delivery Time | 3-5 Working Days |
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