Famous Grouse Whisky 4.5Ltr Rehoboam
A magnificent 4.5L Rehoboam bottle of The Famous Grouse, delivering a blend of rich grain and malt whiskies.
Experience the grandeur of The Famous Grouse with this impressive 4.5L Rehoboam bottle. Renowned for its exceptional quality, this whisky is a masterful blend of fine grain and malt whiskies. On the nose, it presents a light yet refreshing aroma of freshly cut flowers, making it a delightful choice for any occasion. Serve neat, on the rocks, or as the base for your favorite cocktails, this whisky promises a smooth and satisfying sip every time. Perfect for celebrations, gifting, or simply to elevate your home bar collection, The Famous Grouse stands as a testament to the art of whisky making.
Additional information
EAN | 5010314450007 |
Condition | New |
Delivery Time | 3-5 Working Days |
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