Midleton Very Rare Irish Whiskey 70cl
An exquisite blend of pot still and grain whiskies, aged between 12 and 33 years, offering a luxurious taste experience.
Midleton Very Rare Irish Whiskey is truly a gem in the world of spirits. This limited-edition whiskey is meticulously crafted from a blend of pot still and grain whiskies, each aged between 12 and an impressive 33 years. Matured exclusively in lightly-charred ex-Bourbon American oak barrels, it embodies a unique flavor profile that features rich, complex notes of honey, spice, and vanilla, balanced by subtle fruity undertones. Perfect for connoisseurs, this whiskey delivers a smooth, sophisticated sip that is best enjoyed neat or with a splash of water, allowing its character to shine. Ideal for gifting or as a luxurious treat for yourself, Midleton Very Rare promises an unforgettable tasting experience.
Additional information
EAN | 5011007008383 |
Condition | New |
Delivery Time | 3-5 Working Days |
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