Chivas Regal 12 Year Whisky 35cl
A rich and smooth blended whisky aged for 12 years, offering a delightful harmony of flavors including honey, vanilla, and a touch of heather.
Discover the timeless elegance of Chivas Regal 12 Year Whisky, crafted in the Highlands’ oldest distillery. This 35cl bottle showcases a warm amber hue, reflecting the whisky’s rich maturation process. On the nose, experience a bouquet of harmonious aromas, featuring fragrant notes of herbs, delicate heather, and luscious honey. The palate presents a creamy texture enriched with flavors of honeyed apple, smooth vanilla, and a hint of butterscotch, making it an exquisite choice for both sipping neat or in your favorite cocktails. This whisky exemplifies a perfect blend of craftsmanship and tradition, perfect for any whisky lover.
Additional information
EAN | 080432402702 |
Condition | New |
Delivery Time | 3-5 Working Days |
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