Chivas Regal 18 Year Gold Signature Whisky 70cl
A luxurious whisky showcasing deep amber hues and indulgent flavors of dark chocolate and dried fruit.
Chivas Regal 18 Year Gold Signature Whisky is the epitome of luxury in the world of whisky. With its intense deep amber color, this whisky invites you into its rich character. The aroma is a sumptuous delight, offering a multi-layered experience with notes of dark chocolate and dried fruit that evoke a sense of indulgence. On the palate, it presents a velvety texture where luscious dark chocolate embraces floral nuances and a gentle smokiness, creating a harmonious balance that lingers on the finish. Ideal for special occasions or an elegant evening at home, this whisky is sure to impress any connoisseur.
Additional information
EAN | 05000299225004 |
Condition | New |
Delivery Time | 3-5 Working Days |
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