Dalmore Cigar Malt Whisky 70cl
Indulge in the luxurious Dalmore Cigar Malt Whisky, expertly crafted to complement your finest cigars.
Dalmore Cigar Malt Whisky is a luxurious expression that harmoniously blends rich flavors to elevate your tasting experience. This exquisite whisky boasts deep notes of dark chocolate, spice, and orange zest, with a velvety smooth finish that perfectly pairs with your favorite cigars. The balanced profile is crafted with the finest aged single malts, delivering a robust yet refined experience. Whether you’re enjoying a quiet evening or celebrating with friends, Dalmore Cigar Malt is your perfect companion, showcasing the skill and artistry that has made Dalmore a revered name in whisky making.
Additional information
EAN | 5013967008427 |
Condition | New |
Delivery Time | 3-5 Working Days |
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