Coca Cola Original 12x 1.25ltr
A refreshing classic, Coca Cola Original comes in a pack of 12 x 1.25 liters, perfect for sharing or stocking up.
Coca Cola Original is the iconic soft drink that has been delighting taste buds since 1886. Crafted with a unique blend of flavors and an unmistakable crispness, this beverage is perfect for any occasion. Each bottle in this convenient 12-pack contains 1.25 liters of classic cola, making it ideal for parties, gatherings, or simply enjoying a refreshing drink at home. Experience the bubbly, sweet, and slightly tangy taste that has made Coca Cola a favorite for generations. Whether served chilled on its own or as a mixer in your favorite cocktails, Coca Cola Original remains a timeless choice for anyone looking to quench their thirst.
Additional information
EAN | 05017726190125 |
Condition | New |
Delivery Time | 3-5 Working Days |
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