Coca Cola Diet Sublime Coke 12x 1.25Ltr
Enjoy the crisp refreshment of Diet Coke with a zesty twist of lime.
Coca Cola Diet Sublime Coke offers a deliciously crisp and refreshing experience for those who want to enjoy their favorite soda without the calories. Each 1.25L bottle is enhanced with a dash of zesty lime flavor, making it a vibrant option for any occasion. Whether you’re hosting a party, enjoying a meal, or simply indulging in a refreshing drink, this 12-pack ensures you always have a satisfying beverage on hand. Experience the bold taste of Diet Coke that you love, now with an invigorating lime twist, perfect for revitalizing your day.
Additional information
EAN | 05017726415662 |
Condition | New |
Delivery Time | 3-5 Working Days |
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