Cawston Press Apple & Rhubarb Juice 6x 1Ltr
Enjoy a refreshing blend of crisp apples and tangy rhubarb in this natural juice.
Indulge in the vibrant taste of Cawston Press Apple & Rhubarb Juice, expertly crafted from a delightful mix of hand-picked apples and rhubarb extract. This juice offers a perfect balance of sweetness and tartness, making it an ideal refreshment for any occasion. With no added sugars, sweeteners, or concentrates, you can feel good about sipping on this wholesome beverage. Perfect for enjoying chilled, it’s a fantastic addition to any picnic or family gathering, promising to awaken your taste buds with every sip.
Additional information
EAN | 5060054130462 |
Condition | New |
Delivery Time | 3-5 Working Days |
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